News - Development updates and bug fixes

LightBurn V0.5.14 : Material Library, Newsprint dither, and more!

LightBurn V0.5.14 : Material Library, Newsprint...

One of the most requested features we've received is for a way to store and organize lots of cut presets, and have a way to quickly apply them. I'm happy...

LightBurn V0.5.14 : Material Library, Newsprint...

One of the most requested features we've received is for a way to store and organize lots of cut presets, and have a way to quickly apply them. I'm happy...

LightBurn V0.5.12 posted - Bug fixes, and a few...

This is a relatively small release, but there are enough bug fixes and small improvements that we felt it was worth releasing while we continue working on larger items "behind...

LightBurn V0.5.12 posted - Bug fixes, and a few...

This is a relatively small release, but there are enough bug fixes and small improvements that we felt it was worth releasing while we continue working on larger items "behind...

LightBurn v0.5.10 posted - A few big things and...

Has it really only been 3 weeks? We've gotten a lot of great feedback from users, and have tried very hard to deal with the most popular or pressing ones...

LightBurn v0.5.10 posted - A few big things and...

Has it really only been 3 weeks? We've gotten a lot of great feedback from users, and have tried very hard to deal with the most popular or pressing ones...

V0.5.09 posted - Delete Duplicates, Convert to ...

Two things we kept seeing this week: art imported with duplicate shapes, and a hang caused when they cancelled themselves out in the scanner. We've added a "Delete Duplicates" action...

V0.5.09 posted - Delete Duplicates, Convert to ...

Two things we kept seeing this week: art imported with duplicate shapes, and a hang caused when they cancelled themselves out in the scanner. We've added a "Delete Duplicates" action...

V0.5.08 Posted - Check for Updates fixed, teste...

We really mean it this time.  The bug ended up being libraries that were not included on some Windows, so they're now packaged with LightBurn. In addition: - Fixed a...

V0.5.08 Posted - Check for Updates fixed, teste...

We really mean it this time.  The bug ended up being libraries that were not included on some Windows, so they're now packaged with LightBurn. In addition: - Fixed a...

V0.5.07 posted - Check for Updates finally fixed

We've said it before, but we think it's actually true this time: the Check for Updates feature will now work. (we hope) The issue has been that our store server...

V0.5.07 posted - Check for Updates finally fixed

We've said it before, but we think it's actually true this time: the Check for Updates feature will now work. (we hope) The issue has been that our store server...