News - Development updates and bug fixes

LightBurn 0.9.17 - Tool layers, single line fonts, image masking, and much more

LightBurn 0.9.17 - Tool layers, single line fon...

This is a fairly large release, so we'll go over the big things first: Tool Layers These are layer colors that will never be sent to your laser, and are...

LightBurn 0.9.17 - Tool layers, single line fon...

This is a fairly large release, so we'll go over the big things first: Tool Layers These are layer colors that will never be sent to your laser, and are...

LightBurn 0.9.16 released - Tabs improvements, ...

Tabs improvement: Skip inner shapes We had this nearly done for 0.9.15, but it hadn't gone through enough testing when 0.9.15 was released, so we held onto it for a...

LightBurn 0.9.16 released - Tabs improvements, ...

Tabs improvement: Skip inner shapes We had this nearly done for 0.9.15, but it hadn't gone through enough testing when 0.9.15 was released, so we held onto it for a...

LightBurn 0.9.15 - Tabs, shape cutting, QR Codes, and much more

LightBurn 0.9.15 - Tabs, shape cutting, QR Code...

We have a bunch of new stuff to share. First, for 0.9.12 to 14 we updated to a newer version of the framework LightBurn is built on top of.  We...

LightBurn 0.9.15 - Tabs, shape cutting, QR Code...

We have a bunch of new stuff to share. First, for 0.9.12 to 14 we updated to a newer version of the framework LightBurn is built on top of.  We...

LightBurn 0.9.14 - Cleanup for a few issues

0.9.12 was a big release, and a few things that changed caused problems for some users with hardware that we don't have.  Their feedback has been used to fix these...

LightBurn 0.9.14 - Cleanup for a few issues

0.9.12 was a big release, and a few things that changed caused problems for some users with hardware that we don't have.  Their feedback has been used to fix these...

LightBurn 0.9.13 - A small patch to fix some hi...

The 0.9.12 release was big, so it's not surprising that a couple things slipped through.  0.9.13 was released to fix two things: Some users with lower resolution displays had scaling...

LightBurn 0.9.13 - A small patch to fix some hi...

The 0.9.12 release was big, so it's not surprising that a couple things slipped through.  0.9.13 was released to fix two things: Some users with lower resolution displays had scaling...

LightBurn 0.9.12 - Bending text, shape locking, trim & extend, improved snapping, and more

LightBurn 0.9.12 - Bending text, shape locking,...

It's new stuff day!  We've added a handful of new features, and done a lot of cleanup, so we'll break out the big things first. Bending Text The ability to...

LightBurn 0.9.12 - Bending text, shape locking,...

It's new stuff day!  We've added a handful of new features, and done a lot of cleanup, so we'll break out the big things first. Bending Text The ability to...