LightBurn Educational and Volume Licensing

A LightBurn license key comes with 3 "seats" by default, meaning that it can be installed and run on up to three computers. You can buy additional seats at a reduced price. 

A license key is a string of letters and numbers, like this (non-working) example: 123456-7890AB-CDEF09-876543-210ACE 
We send your license key by email when you purchase. You copy and paste it into the appropriate place in LightBurn, and that activates the software so that you can use it forever. You'll receive free software updates for a year. You can read more about how the license works here.

Getting Started:

First, please use our unrestricted 30 day FREE trial to verify that LightBurn is compatible with your machine and that everything works well for you. You can download the software here.

Once you're happy, there are 3 things to figure out to determine what key you'll need to get: 

Software Version:   

A smaller desktop device, such as most diode lasers, may run fine using the Core Version of the software.  If you've got a large, industrial type machine, you probably need the Pro Version. 
You can confirm which version you need by reading this.

Number of Seats:

This means how many computers you need to be able to run the software at the same time.

License Type:

  • By default, our license is "system-locked":
    • This means that 1 license seat = 1 computer running the software. 
    • Of course, you can still remove old computers from your key using our license portal or by emailing support.  
    • Offline activation is possible if there are network restrictions or no internet access.
  • We also offer floating licenses:
    • An example use case would be if a school has a lab with 100 computers, but only a class of 30 would ever use LightBurn at a time, they only need to pay for 30 floating seats.
    • Floating licenses also require constant internet connectivity to stay alive. Given the restrictive nature of school networks and internet access, this can often be a challenge.
    • Our minimum for a floating license is 10 seats to cover the administrative overhead involved. 
    • Please note that you *MUST* install a floating key as described in our documentation:

Quote Calculator:

License Type:
Seats Quantity: