LightBurn 0.9.23 released - a lot of fixes, an apology, and some news

Our last two releases had some pretty significant issues for Ruida users, and had a few crashes in the new Image Adjust feature, and for some reason neither of these were caught in our test group.

This shouldn't be able to happen, so we're in the process of adding a tools to help us track what's changed from one release to the next, and which parts of LightBurn might be affected by those changes, so we can better focus our testing.  We're also going to be adding tracking and metrics to our internal test versions, so we can tell which features have been tested, and how much - again, to help make sure we don't repeat this.

All of this is on me - I'm Jason Dorie, and I'm the owner, creator, and development lead on LightBurn. The changes to the communications system, and the Adjust Image feature are all mine, and I control the releases. Bugs are unfortunately part of software development, but this was sloppy, and I'm going to do my best to prevent it from ever happening again.

And please, if you do have issues, tell us. The sooner you let us know something is wrong, the sooner we can fix it.


The 0.9.23 release addresses the communication issues with Ruida & TopWisdom controllers, the crashes in the Adjust Image tool, and a few other issues that we found along the way.

  • Fixed the Ruida / TopWisdom temporary connection issues for Serial/USB users
  • Show the Adjust dialog before doing the first processing step (improves interactivity)
  • Additional stability checks in image processing, better handling of out-of-memory and missing images
  • Fix QR Code contact field bugs. Fix "Create QR Code" menu nameDon't remove co-linear node in pre-processing if it's the designated start point
  • Bugfix: Tiny DXF import bulge values could crash the renderer - now discarded if below precision threshold
  • Bugfix: corrected color handling for SVGs imported from Silhouette Business Edition
  • Bugfix: deferred loading of Material Library until after splash - could lock on MacOS

There is still an apparent issue with camera use in Big Sur on MacOS - It's quite possible this is a problem with the framework LightBurn is built on, but we're actively working on it.

LightBurn is moving (again)

LightBurn HQ is also going to be moving - we've found a home with a secondary structure that has an office and a reasonably large shop floor which will soon be dedicated entirely to LightBurn. This will mean room for more permanent machine setups, a wider variety of test hardware, and will make it easier to more thoroughly test releases, in addition to helping us continue to expand.

We're in the process of hiring and training more support and development staff, filling in the holes in our documentation, and have a number of internal changes happening as well, as we transition from a startup into a more stable, mid-size business.


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